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This is a resource that social studies and civics educators might find useful. The William and Mary Law School, in collaboration with the National Center for State Courts, have launched a new website which, while intended for judges, can be useful for ALL citizens as they seek to understand election law. As the current political primary campaign season has shown, many citizens seem greatly confused about election law. This is a useful resource as we go into the general election and convention season. While it currently has only Colorado, Virginia, and, of course, Florida (we all know that no election litigation ever pops up in Florida), the creators of the project do plan on expanding it beyond the three pilot states.

For more information on this resource and why it is necessary, I encourage you to take a look at this article from the Election Law Program that includes some rather interesting discussion involving lawyers and judges involved in both this project and election law cases.

If you have a resource like this, or involving civics and social studies education in general, please share it with me so that I can share it with others!