
We know that exposing students early to, and helping them contextualize and understand, primary sources is vital to helping them begin thinking within a disciplinary lens while also building literacy skills. This means that we really need to begin the work of social studies and civic education while our future citizens are still in elementary school. In pursuit of this idea, the Florida Joint Center for Citizenship, in collaboration with the renowned folks over at the DBQ Project, are excited to offer an opportunity for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade teachers to work together in extending the DBQ Project towards lessons around civic action. If you are at all familiar with the C3 Framework, this also fits wonderful within that ambitious effort at inculcating within our students a passion for civic engagement, inquiry, and informed action. Take a look at the flyer below. We do hope to see you here this summer, and we are grateful for the opportunity to work with you! For more information and to register, visit this page and sign on up!
