It’s that time year again! As we wrap up the school year, it’s time to start thinking ahead to next year, and to new opportunities for collaboration, camaraderie, and cognition. The Florida Council for the Social Studies annual conference happens this October 18-20 and you can register now for the conference, held in Orlando at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center. The theme is Heroes and Villains: Teaching in a Polarized World. This bodes well for some really fascinating sessions!

There is an excellent keynote speaker lined up, the wonderful and nationally recognized Dr. Susan MacManus!


Dr. Susan A. MacManus is a USF Distinguished University Professor Emerita in the Department of Government and International Affairs, School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies. MacManus received her M.A. from the University of Michigan and Ph.D. from Florida State University.

MacManus has authored or co-authored numerous publications on Florida politics, including Florida’s Minority Trailblazers: The Men and Women Who Changed the Face of Florida Government, Politics in Florida, Young v. Old: Generational Combat in the 21st Century? and Targeting Senior Voters. MacManus and her mother, Elizabeth, authored two local Florida history books: Citrus, Sawmills, Critters & Crackers: Early Life in Lutz and Central Pasco County and Going, Going, Almost Gone: Lutz-Land O’ Lakes Pioneers Share Their Precious Memories.

From 1998 to 2015, she served as political analyst for WFLA News Channel 8 (Tampa’s NBC affiliate). Since 2016, she has been the political analyst for ABC Action News (Tampa’s ABC affiliate). She is a featured columnist on—a widely read Florida-based political website. MacManus has appeared on every major broadcast and cable television and radio network and been interviewed by major newspapers in Florida, the U.S., and abroad. She chaired the Florida Elections Commission from 1999-2003 and is Florida’s most-quoted political scientist. MacManus is not affiliated with any political party.

We’ll have more on the topic of her keynote in a later post, and we will highlight some of the sessions you might find most interesting!

Register here for the conference today!